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We need your help to grow St. Mary School!

Our vision is to grow our school by creating a premiere learning environment by renovating the Brannon House. As we work to raise $400,000, we need your help! Click the button below to give through the iGiveCatholic campaign now through November 29th.

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Heartfelt greetings to all friends and family of St. Mary School,


My goodness, what a unique period in time we’ve experienced these last few years! While Covid certainly brought many challenges, it also provided unanticipated blessings, including a growth in enrollment and programming at St. Mary School. Families gained a renewed appreciation for the value of a Christ-centered education focused on the individual needs of each child.


Thanks to your prayers and support, our school provided stability and shined the light of Christ, even during incredibly dark moments. We also provide JOY to our students through a project once considered unimaginable. Through the amazing generosity of over fifty donors and countless volunteers, we built a playground with four slides, monkey bars, drums, and so much more! Our new playground not only supports gross motor development, it also allows students’ imaginations to reach new heights!


The mission of St. Mary School is brought to fruition each day through the dedicated service of our teachers and steadfastness of our donors and volunteers. We need YOUR help to continue the important work we do in our community! Please pray for our teachers and students. Please share with others in the community the good work we are doing and encourage families to visit us for a tour, as well as consider enrolling at St. Mary School.


Finally, consider giving of your time, talent, or treasure. We have an incredible vision to renovate and equip the Brannon House into a premiere learning environment for our growing school. To achieve this vision, our goal is to raise $400,000! You can share your commitment to support our goal by mailing in your donation or by supporting us during our #iGiveCatholic campaign during giving Tuesday.


Our theme this school year is “Strength for the Journey.” This is inspired by Joshua 1:9, “I command you, be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” God certainly provides us strength for the journey and our strength is often sustained thanks to the generous kindness and support of our alumni, school families, parishioners, and community members. May God abundantly bless each of you!


United in Christ,

Miranda Chaplin

St. Mary School Principal

Our Vision

Below are preliminary plans for new classroom spaces.

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